Just wanted to put this out there to see if you have resumed development updates since the last version of Amibian was released or if you have ceased support and work on it.
I know myself and many others on this forum are very much fans of your work and very happy with what Amibian can currently do.
UPDATE: Thanks to "nilly667" I ended up (eventually) looking up the Amibian Facebook page, and it looks like there is a MASSIVE update coming (1.5), and Gunnar is moving from Debian Jessie to Debian Stretch (sadly this means a re-install, not just an update). He says it's should be worth it though. One of the things they brought back is the "Bonus Pack" that will be standard. From what it looks like, it was the C64/ZXSpectrum/SCUMMVM Emulators added in the package. The Amibian Facebook page link is (for anyone who didn't see it on the front page of the Amibian website)
Sorry about that. Im not so active on forums at all. 😱
Amibian 1.5 is on the final step now to completion. A beta will be shown in polland at the Syntacx Error party 5 - 7 april, an almost ready version of amibian.
He posted some information on the facebook page, a new version is in beta state now. He dont seem to care much for this website or the forum though :/. Go to facebook for news i guess.