y default there are 3 keyboard languages installed. Icelandic, Swedish and US. When trying to add a new language (Norwegian) or remove some of the others, it works. But as soon as rebooting, all these changes are lost. This is when using the keyboard handler by right-clicking on the flag icon at the top of the screen.
I have also tried to make changes using the Menu > Preferences > Keyboard an Mouse, and those changes seem to survive a reboot, but after the reboot the flag on the top is always changed to Iceland and the keyboard as well.
I did try to make changes using raspi-config, but there is an error message after changing the locale settings "There was an error running option I1 change locale"
How can I make the changes to norwegian permanent?
Thanks for the tip, I'll try it in case I return to Amibian again later.
Because of the above issue and issues I had when trying to update Amibian, I decided to create my own setup using the latest Rasperry Pi OS image. I installed Amiberry accoring to the step-by-step instructions from the Amiberry wiki and set Amiberry to autostart as soon as the desktop is loaded. I can't say that I notice any performance differences in Amiberry by launching it this way.
For me this is the prefered setup, since the desktop apps are easier available than having to start up the desktop manually.
Change keyboard layout.
Because of a bug, changing the layout in the keyboard layout handler will not be saved after the system is restarted. To set your layout and save it, it needs to be done manually, thankfully you only need to do this once.
open terminal and type
‘sudo nano /home/amibian/.config/lxpanel/LXDE-pi/panels/panel’
Scroll down to line number 77, there you see the layout list.
First letters is the default keyboard layout, second letters are secondary layouts that you can add, then change between them by clicking on the flag in the top right corner.
change these to the layouts you want.
Google for the name of your layout if you are not sure. Then press ‘ctrl+x’ to quit, You will be asked to confirm that you want to save the changes.
Press ‘y’ for yes, ‘n’ or no. If you press ‘y’ you are asked to confirm file name and location, just press ‘enter’ to continue.
Exit the terminal and reboot for the changes to start working.