I am running v 1.5ee on Pi 4b and was trying to get this automated mechanism for installation to work. I have manually assembled all the components and run the preliminary scripts. when I try to run the install.sh file I get an error " ERROR ./hstwb-installer/launcher/amibian/install.sh: line 12: dialog: command not found" This happens if I run it from the Denibian terminal or after logging out at that prompt. The file says this: (error command Bolded). I am not sure even what language this script it in? What am I missing that prevents this from running????
#!/bin/bash -e
# HstWB Installer Install
# -----------------------
# Author: Henrik Noerfjand Stengaard
# Date: 2020-01-01
# A bash script to install HstWB Installer launcher for Amibian.
# show install dialog
dialog --clear --stdout \
--title "Install HstWB Installer" \
--yesno "Do you want to install HstWB Installer launcher?" 0 0
# exit, if no is selected
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
# create backup of profile, if it doesn't exist
if [ -f ~/.profile -a ! -f ~/.profile_backup ]; then
cp ~/.profile ~/.profile_backup
# create hstwb installer profile, if it doesn't exist
if [ ! -d ~/.hstwb-installer ]; then
mkdir ~/.hstwb-installer
# get root directories
INSTALLROOT="$(dirname "$(readlink -fm "$0")")"
HSTWBINSTALLERROOT="$(dirname "$(dirname "$INSTALLROOT")")"
# update or create hstwb installer config.sh
if [ -f ~/.hstwb-installer/config.sh ]; then
sed -e "s/^\(export HSTWBINSTALLERROOT=\).*/\1\"$(echo "$HSTWBINSTALLERROOT" | sed -e "s/\//\\\\\//g")\"/g" ~/.hstwb-installer/config.sh >~/.hstwb-installer/_config.sh
mv -f ~/.hstwb-installer/_config.sh ~/.hstwb-installer/config.sh
echo "#!/bin/bash -e" >~/.hstwb-installer/config.sh
echo "export HSTWBINSTALLERROOT=\"$HSTWBINSTALLERROOT\"" >>~/.hstwb-installer/config.sh
echo "export HSTWBINSTALLERBOOT=\"emulator\"" >>~/.hstwb-installer/config.sh
chmod +x ~/.hstwb-installer/config.sh
# create first time use trigger
touch ~/.hstwb-installer/.first-time-use
# install hstwb bin
cp -f "$INSTALLROOT/hstwb.sh" "/usr/local/bin/hstwb"
chmod +x "/usr/local/bin/hstwb"
# copy hstwb installer profile
cp "$INSTALLROOT/install/boot/.profile" ~/.profile
# copy hstwb installer menu files
cp -r "$INSTALLROOT/install/menu_files" ~/.hstwb-installer
# add hstwb to amibian menu
if [ "$(grep -i "cat ~/.hstwb-installer/menu_files/hstwb" /usr/local/bin/menu)" == "" ]; then
echo "cat ~/.hstwb-installer/menu_files/hstwb" >>/usr/local/bin/menu
# copy amiberry configs
cp -R "$HSTWBINSTALLERROOT/emulators/amiberry/configs/." ~/amibian/amiberry/conf/
# copy chips uae4arm configs
cp -R "$HSTWBINSTALLERROOT/emulators/chips_uae4arm/configs/." ~/amibian/chips_uae4arm/conf/
# show install dialog
dialog --clear --stdout \
--title "Success" \
--yesno "Successfully installed HstWB Installer. For first time use Amibian should be rebooted. Do you want to reboot now?" 0 0
# reboot, if yes is selected
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
I'm impressed that you got it to work that far. I can't get it to load all. How did you get it to work for the inital steps?