Hi there,
Been really loving the Amibian setup, though i've been getting a very strange sound glitch in games that have periods of silence within them (i.e. no background sounds/music). Sound is coming from the 3.5" jack output.
For instance, I was playing the PD games Squigs and Mr and Mrs, and after about 1-2 seconds of no sound - when I interacted with the game again to trigger a SFX call - there is a nasty split second sound glitch. If the sounds are played constantly or within a 1-2 second window, then no glitch occurs.
It is like the sound driver goes to sleep after 1-2 seconds. There is an audible "pop" sound just around that period (almost like a speaker has been switched off).
I've tried all sorts of combinations with the audio settings, and even the CPU options - but nothing helps. Also tried reducing the volume in the ALSA volume control tool. The glitch becomes more noticeable when you reduce the sample rate.
Any ideas what it might be or anything I might be able to try? If I manage to work out what it is, i'll post the findings back here.
In the end, it was to do with the emulator. Switching the version should fix it, though long term there is still an issue with certain sounds not playing for certain games. IK+ in particular loses the samples on the bonus rounds in uae4arm at present - which I think is due to the emulator needing a "cycle accurate" option included from what i've read on various forums that spoke of similar issues.
I've actually experienced this as well. I just sorta assumed it was a uae4arm thing and it didn't really bother me that much. I would like to be able to get overall latency lower though for audio.
Will do, cheers!. Yeah, I read about the issues, though I had no choice because of the pi2scart connector not picking up all the colours. :(
oh and doing rpi-update usually causes problems.. :/
send me an email and you can test updating. might be the uae4arm aswell...
Oddly on an older build I backed up and have tested on a Pi 2, it doesn't seem to have the issue out of the audio jack. Checked all the configs on that build, and its practically the same as my Pi 3 build that has the issues.
I did recently do an rpi-update on my Pi 3 build, as I had issues when using the Pi2Scart device and lack of colours - though i'm sure I had the issue with the sound before I had moved over to using the device.
Yup, also got the audio dither fix enabled in the config (also tried removing to see if it made a difference). No such issues with RetroPie with the same device/display setup.
I'll wait until the new update coming out of Amibian to see if that changes anything and will report back. Will also test Uae4arm in Retropie to see if the issue is present too. Pretty sure i've just broken something somewhere :)
yeah. best idea is that the jack port of the pi isnt a very good one :) actually thats not just an idea ots a fact. but this might be fixed. read through the config.txt there is something about dither, cant remember. check that out. :)