I'm trying to get v1.4.0001 working on an overclocked pi B.
It boots directly to the text menu (no sign of the GUI) after the spash screen.
When I select "3" (Start Amiga) from the menu, the following message flashes before the screen refreshes:
/usr/local/bin/amiga: line 4: [some number] illegal instruction ./6 -f conf/autostart.uae
where [some number] starts around 400 after boot, and increases with each attempt.
I tried editing /usr/local/bin/amiga to use a different conf file, but got the same error.
Any ideas? Should I try 1.313.xxxx
yeah a newer pi is a good idea :) price has come down bit too... atleast where i live.
Thanks Gunnar - on V1.4 this appears to have got me into the GUI.
I'll need to play with the emulator and overclocking settings (or upgrade to a newer pi) as it is severely lagging at the moment.
Thanks again!
the default emylator when you start using amibian is for pi2 and pi3 since the majority of users have either of those. if you have a pi 1 or pi zero you need to switch to a pi1 and pi zero emulator.
press 7 to see the availible emulators. then type in the command to activate the emulator you want that works on pi1. i am working on new instructions, it takes time and sadly i dont have enough of it. but im doing the best i can.
Hi Gunnar - Thanks for replying. I'm a bit unclear what you mean:
1. Amibian will work on pi1b, but I need to somehow configure it? I didn't see anything in the instructions or menus about configuring for a specific pi model?
2. Amibian won't work, and I'll need a different emulator?
Thanks again!
P.S. I tried 1.313.xxx and it resulted in the same error.
you have a pi1b. you need to select the emulator that suits your pi.