First off, much gratitude for all the work in this, it is a brilliant thing to load up a Pi as a super Amiga! I had an A500 in the early 90's and this is great! I am sure I have missed something simple and that this will work out brilliantly.
After installing the Amibian and using the ADVSP workbench distro: and using an A1200 config in PAL it boots fine into workbench and things seem to work normally. I tried a simpler A500 setup and played some diskette based games like Blood Money and it worked great.
The first major problem I can't fix is getting full screen, every video of Amiga emulated on Pi seems to have a full screen display on a modern HDMI monitor and the icons and text don't look all that different from a modern linux install. After trying every combination of settings with ScreenMode and Overscan in workbench and trying NTSC or PAL as well as the display options in the emulator the best I can get is about 2/3 of the screen with the image starting in the upper left hand corner and the remainder being black space. When I use Overscan I can stretch the lines out to most of the screen with about 10% on the right hand side remaining empty. However, when I select Use it does not allow the workbench to occupy that space. Nothing changes.
The second problem I had was since I could not fix the screen size I moved on to installing games so I used Midnight Commander and was able to copy over 3.5g of games organized by letter and the emulator was able to add that directory as a second hard drive. The Youtube tutorial suggested that an icon would appear for that drive but nothing did although the emulator seems to map it without a problem. I can't see to find the drive anywhere which could be my 20 year old Workbench skills!
Any help would be welcome.
screeb size.. try workbench prefs. are you using picasso ? then add memory to it through the uae4arm menu.
where did you copy your games too ?
go to hard drives section and add it as a directory, it should pop up in your workbench. But if it is adfs then many of them wont work from a workbench anyway :)
you need to insert a floppy for an a500 to do anything more than show the kickstart picture :)
I should mention, when I load an Amiga 500 with just a disk drive the kickstarter is full screen asking for the disk insert, so this surely is some sort of Workbench issue?
Also, if I go into ScreenMode and alter the resolution from the pre-defined values nothing seems to happen. The values remain at the indicated minimums.