Having gotten a little frustrated with networking and reliability for the moment, I decided to look deeper into AmigaSYS4. I was able to download and install a custom Workbench with AmigaSYS4 in Amiga Forever 8 (AF 8) which i have had a bit of success with, getting on the internet with Amibian 1.4. I also had some luck getting High Resolution (800x600, VGA, 720p, 1080p etc.) under Amibian 1.5 beta and FS-UAE on Raspberry Pi 4. I have since noticed while installing Amiga OS 3.9 on AF that it creates a monitor for UAEGFX and includes a Picasso96 install which is also UAE Aware. I will be looking into that deeper soon...
So today I have been playing with AmigaSYS (https://www.amigasys.net/) designed to get you a highly functional 1200 or 4000 quickly. I am about to start trying it on Amibian Beta. For someone looking for an EASY way to set up and play with workbench 3 that has been customized and enhanced, AmigaSYS seems to be the most comfortable and simple winner. It looks like it was produced around the time of Amiga Forever 5 & 6. Not only does it take all the work out of having to learn a lot about Workbench to install and make it , but it also plays music while installing and references other websites to visit, and produces some nice splash screens.. I did a screen capture during install. It gets 10/10 for easy. Too early to tell but i am betting on a high score for usability as well. Plan on this for "I want an easy way to experience workbench without all the work to set it up." or a very easy and comprehensive "Quick Start" A1200 / A4000. Was able to get on the Web with Amibian 1.4 it but so far has had SSL deficiency. Will need to install a current AmiSSL on it for better web usability if internet surfing is intended.
Other Alternatives:
ClassicWB. http://classicwb.abime.net/ More configurations, options, confusion during install (no screenshots of "what does this option do - or look like?), but good to set up and better as a gaming system or more complex daily use Amiga Workbench system. Better if you are willing to learn and read more, and do some configuring and building of your environment.
Overall: Lots more options, more confusing, and no frills during install. Nice outcome though. May be preferable for gamers due to scripting /system for adding multiple WHDLoads and multiple library front ends. Both are a substantial upgrade from a standard workbench install.
Both projects demonstrate a lot of work to save you a lot of time figuring things out. They will both be instrumental in preserving the Amiga legacy by getting new people started and old folks up and running faster (Like me - but i will dig and learn & hack too - I have done all along with A1200, A600, A500, and CDTVs.).
Which Download?
If you download the beginner pack ( 40MB expands to 100MB hard disk file or .hdf ) you get a .hdf and instructions. You boot the hardfile and insert 1-2 WB 3 floppies (AF = Amiga Forever produced Amiga Disk File or .adf), choose Magic Workbench Icons or New Icons (more resource hungry) and a couple options and you are on the way. If you download the advanced pack you get an archive with the raw files to extract on an existing Amiga Filesystem. (have not used yet and presume you manually copy the files from your Workbench disk and presume it may be customized less...leaving you to customize according to your own preferences) The ISO (155MB) appears to have has everything. Files + HDF + instructions.
Screen Shots: AmigaSYS with Magic Workbench icons 64 colors w/ DBLPAL video mode
AmigaSYS with New Icons 64 colors w/ PAL video mode 640 x 256
AmigaSYS with New Icons 64 colors w/ DBLPAL video mode 640 x 512 (Interlaced/Fixed - use "Double" option under video settings in emulator) Notice selection menu cuts off 1/2 way down, this is the difference between non and interlaced resolutions.
Classic Workbench: Re-Gen appearance (Also has Classic and Retro Gaming options)
(The -Other- Amiga Preinstalled Environment)
I will play with these tonight under Amibian 1.5b (Maybe 1.4 too) and post my findings...
A4000 8M base mem, 2 M Chip, 16 M ZIII, 64M Video RAM, ClassicWB UAE P96 v28 fresh load. Set screen at 1920 x 1080p. Amibian 1.5 Beta
I had multiple write problems to my SD cards but due to having multiple images I would say worth looking into and "should work." The Video settings need tweaking and if you choose DBLPAL or DBLNTSC (Recommended) make sure you also select Double button the video options in your emulator "for clear image while interlacing" to reduce the line and flicker effect. Continuing to test with different power supplies and cards to get something to work stable. There are apparently some SD cards not compatible with Pi. See https://elinux.org/RPi_SD_cards. If you find a more up to date list please do advise. Thanks. Also see: https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/faqs/#sd-cards.