I'm trying to add my ROM files from Amiga Forever 3.0. I have them copied onto a SD card but when I open Midnight Commander, I can't find it (in a USB card reader plugged into my Pi, apparently not mounting during or after boot).
I have tried copying them into a new folder on the Amibian card but MC can't find that folder and Windows can't find the folders that Amibian and MC can see to put them there.
What am I doing wrong?
As I said, using a different thumb drive already worked.
Try different way.
First copy files with ROM into USB pendrive, next put pendrive in Raspberry Pi. Launch mc and copy (pendrive is in /media/usb0/, amibian in /root/amiga/). It should work.
I've never had trouble like this with that particular card reader. Now I know the Pi or at least Raspbian/Amibian doesn't like it. I tried another thumb drive and it worked fine. Thank you.
Hello ejolson,
Spontaneously I would say either not compatible card reader or not compatible SD card. Teste times another variation.
You can not access the Amibian directory from Windows.